fredag 23 oktober 2015

Don't Do Anything

First, let’s introduce a scenario. An acquaintance use a company’s computer to check his mail. One of them include virus, sent by Ransomware that infiltrated all business documents. This is the first time you experience such turbulence. The cryptolocker virus encrypted all documents, and provided instructions for how to decrypt them. This include paying $500 ransom for decrypting the files. The instruction was clear, and you might consider paying the ransom.

When experiencing problems – especially the unexpected ones – a common response is instant action. Negative events are inevitable. There is nothing anyone can do to stop it. But we can strategically mitigate its effect when it occurs. This is why one effective response is “be prepared”. It is an effective boy-scout strategy in all situations.

For example, when all files were “held hostage”, one action that mitigate – or neutralize – such incidence is having multiple backups prior to the infiltration. Backups can be on cloud, USB, memory card, or flash-drive. In the case of ransomware hacking the computer to encrypt all files, one tendency was to immediately act. It is part of the human nature.

Instant action is based on current information. It might be the most prominent action, based on limited data. Following encrypted files scenario, instructions were given before you’d get our files back. Based on such information, you can pay the ransom to get the files back.

However, paying the ransom sounds like a bad business. Because you can’t be sure that the files will be decrypted after ransom was paid. The only thing you know is you paid ransom, which might also led to the files being returned with additional viruses and demands for higher amount after some time.

Why will they do that? Because paying for it once means they can get more after some time. They can just “reactivate” the virus after 5 months, and demand for more money. This is why the first response is to retreat from the problem, and seek answers about it. It is mostly efficient to assess the problem, and see possible scenarios before deciding the best action. It helps to determine best action. When we know what the problem is, then we should strive after understanding it.

Understanding something gives in-depth knowledge that helps allocate focus on something specific that actually get to the root of the problem. Following the case, understand that paying the ransom can worsen the case because they can ask for more money next time. Imagine the possibility of them just encrypting the files again after 5 months, and demand for $1500 because they know you will pay. All they need to do is to embed virus/malware codes in the files that can be remotely activated after 5 months.

All these things can make you ask, “When do I act?” The time to act is when you’d know the best action to tackle current problem. When you don’t just know, but understand it.  They make it easy to choose the problem resolution strategy. For example, if you don’t understand something, then acting will be ineffective because understanding is the key that determine when we should do something. When understanding, you can evaluate different resolution options as explained in “Problem Resolution Formula”, to identify the best action. When you’d know best action, act on it.
In conclusion, people’s tendency to act during a problem is understandable. But it can be expensive to impulsively act in comparison to first step-back from the problem, in order to understand it. It tells the best action for solving it. Best action is after we understand it. When you understand the problem, and evaluate options prior to choosing the best one, then your response will be highly efficient, and problem-solving.

söndag 11 oktober 2015

Patience, Additional Key to Success

Have you thought of buying stocks from ALPHABET, Google’s new parent company? Did anyone thought of purchasing stocks from Facebook when it went public? How many people thought of buying stocks from a small company without famous brand or identity?
Some people answers no to these questions. Others regret not acting when they had the chance. For example companies that went public in early 20th century had a few people purchasing stocks from them. Small investments in such companies then would now worth high return on investment. But considering the time it takes for such investment to yield to maturity, very few people will see the positive future. Because we are mostly driven by current circumstances.
It is the human nature to thrive after instant result from any action or desire. There is nothing wrong about it. But when making investments, it is better to consider serving a purpose. Every investor invests in the business for a specific reason. It can be financial or non-financial. He/she thrives after a specific result.
But in a corporation, purposes are traditionally vision, mission and scopes. These directs it. They are long-term-driven. They defines and drives suitable brand for the enterprise. It allows management to drive the business forward.
For instance, vision, mission and scope makes brand choice easier for a company’s driving power. When the driving power is having products that allow people to socialize, the brand should say we are a company that connect people and communicate in different ways.
A process drives productivity. It is impossible to start certain things and finish them within a day, week, month or even year. For instance, when taking a million dollar loan, we can’t pay it back within a year. Because even if the company has one million dollars profit, it might rather seek to improve than pay back. Because the corporation has a contract for duration of payment. We will only pay back earlier if we have no plan.
Everything we do takes time – from start to finish. Don’t think too much about the time it takes to produce something. Spend the time it requires to achieve the goal, as you follow the process. A path has a process that simplifies its progress, and every one of them should produce something before it progress.
We needs to gather the whole process, and watch them like a hawk. Because they tells you when to take action for a progressive path to success. Someone once said, “We should do it as we supposed to, for it to produce desired result”, because what we do reflects on what we get. This is one reason people believes life is what we make it.
The progress has to result in something specific, which means putting everything in a specific order. And see it moving closer to success. Because if everything was done accordingly and co-ordinate plans with objectives, it facilitates its result. When we have done something as we need to, we see a productive end-result.
When we want results, we must consider possible challenges in the process. Because any success worth achieving make challenges more valuable when deciding best way to proceed when facing challenges. Every challenge needs creativity, strategy and dedication to overcome it.
There is no problem when we see solution in front of us. For example, when you know best solution, will you consider it a problem? Problem without solution leads to frustration. This is why we need to solve problems through influencing it, which eventually solve it. The “Problem Resolution Formula is a useful technique to solve it.
When we think of how to tackle a challenge, there won’t be a problem. But no matter how many challenges comes your ways, think rather about how to tackles or solve it because “Challenges don’t mean Failure”. I believe you can do it, and you know you can.
You started for a reason. You see opportunities, and challenges are important to make the success worthwhile. Changes are part of the driving power that makes you appreciate success even more. When we work hard for something, it worth more to us. When going through challenges, have patience on the way to success. For example, when you send an application to a government agency, you can’t expect instant result because of the time it takes for agency’s officials to go through the application.
You are patience because you awaits result, which you know will come to you. Some results come within a week, while others takes up to six months or even a year. But you still wait for that result. The same patience work with business. But in a longer term. We know what it takes, and we work towards it, but it doesn’t mean instant result.
That takes some time. Be patience on your way through all challenges. One method is forgetting about the investment, while driving the business. It means investing in the purpose. For example, you wouldn’t purchase a house and sell it the following day with bargain. It is possible, but rare.
However, if you’d forget what you initially invested, and focus on why you did it, you’d get extra energy to achieve the expected result. It is more powerful and define what we invest in. Because we solely focus on why we made the investment. When we forget about it, we give it the time it takes for it to be productive, while following its progress. Because being result-driven make us focus on achieving a specific result, and that has its own process.
Process takes its time, and we can’t afford to rush it. Especially when we have certain objectives in every step of the process. We follows its progress. We can’t expect instant result when parts of the process brings success closer to you, as you’d follow the process of a productive end-result. Through this, we can embrace the result.
Success has different perspectives. When someone is thinking something is crazy, another person sees an opportunity for a new business. We have a distinguish perspective about things.  Most of the time, some people find a business idea a little bit too crazy.
A business has to embrace success through multiple channels (marketing, human resources, leadership and management etc.), because it mostly establish a business. There are others in the business – competitors – that make distinguish strategies necessary to embrace success.
In conclusion, people mostly want instant result. This is problematic to achieve success, because we have to serve a purpose when starting a business and drive it to success. We must give everything we do time to mature or produce something. During this time, we watch the whole process like a hawk. When following the whole process, and done everything we need to do, it will yield desired result.
On the way to success, handle emerging challenges. No matter how many they are, don’t let them go to our heart. Because we have to be patience with everything, from doing something to solving a problem. Our investments takes time to yield positive result, and we have to give it the time it takes to achieve it.
We need to forget about the investment, and focus on why we made the investment. Because it will take time for it to progress. Let success in and embrace it when it comes knocking. Because embracing it simplifies its achievement.

måndag 5 oktober 2015

3 Basic Cash Flow

Cash flow helps understand company’s stabilities and instabilities. Positive cash flow mean bonuses that can be shared with stockholders and employees. If the company has lower debts, it can expand or explore other markets. Cash flows tell if the company is getting income or fading away in debts. It follows company’s income and expenses under a short period of time. It is measured in three different ways.

Economic Cycle
Describe company’s incomes, customers, short-term debts and warehouse.

Investment Cycle
It is acquisition of fixed assets and other type of investments.

Financial Cycle
It is about emission, long loans, dividend or amortization of debts

Cash flow is all about addition and subtraction to understand economic-, investment-, and financial-cycle that helps apprehend how the company develops, and its ongoing process. It also helps with knowing whether or not to expect profit in the future. This help comprehends how the company works from a deeper perspective.

söndag 4 oktober 2015

The 6 Steps Problem Resolution Formula

Success go through problems because it pass through a lot of hardships that challenge the achiever. The 6 steps problem resolution formula can strengthen success.

1: Ask What?

The beginning of everything – good or bad – is what. Something makes you successful or cause problems on the road. This is why people initially ask “what is the problem?” You can approach the question as you please. But if it involves more than one person, it might be better to ask in a way that indicate you want to solve it. When defining the problem, you can be broad. Some problems are obvious, while others require digging before defining the problem.
For example a customer calling customer service about a product not working is an obvious problem. Analyzing customer service’ response to customers that say customers are waiting ten fifteen minutes before a staff respond to them mean digging to find the problem. How you find the problem can go from while brushing your teeth to going through paperwork. But knowing it simplify its process.

2: Find the Core

Knowledge of the problem is explored to find its core. The core is probably the key to exploring possible solutions. Problems are generally surrounded with circumstances, which make it challenging to find the actual problem. Following the example of customer service response to customers, the core problem cannot be customers discussed their problems for a longer period when contacting the company.
However, it can be flaws in the product that need adjustments. It can also be current size of customer service being too small. Another core problem can be staffs are on lunchbreak when customers needed help the most. Some customers can only call when they are on lunch. When trying to find the core, minimize the problem’s surrounding. This is why most problem-solving experts spend about 90% of their time understanding the problem, and 10% for establishing its solution.

3: Discuss the Problem

Discussion is a method, but it helps to get deeper understanding of the problem. Some people call it brainstorm. Some do it first before defining a problem. But, it is arguable that people brainstorm for a reason. Businessmen and women act for a reason – financial- or nonfinancial – that facilitate action. Following the example about customer service, discussion might led to management discovering that customers mostly call about installation or the product rebooting on its own.
This discussion will help explore resolution beyond the problem. For example, if discussion led to the corporation making changes for customers to easily install their product, then it transfer the problem from customer service to technology department.

4: Delegate

Delegation includes what happen if one solution was applied to the problem. Then it continues until all possible options were explored. It’s critical to remember that expectation might not meet reality.
Following up on the customer service, a delegation can be asking “what happen when focusing on expanding the customer service?”, “what happen if focusing on products’ installation, and purposely make it easier for customers to do the installation themselves?” or “what happen if we adjust staffs’ workhours so customers can reach them when it is comfortable for them?
A possible adjustment is lunchbreak at 13:00 instead of 12:00.

5: Make a Decision

Decision about resolution can be challenging for managers. But it is still up to the management or board of directors to conclude on an action. Following up on the customer service, decision can’t strategically begin with making it easier for customer to install products. Because of the time it takes to process from technological aspect to distribution.
However, a strategic decision that can instantly take effect is adjusting workhours. It can begin the following day or week. It only involve telling customer service’ staffs, so they can adjust. With time, the company can start process of strengthening the strategy through simplifying for customers to install products on their own.
The decision should be based on finding best solution to the problem. In the overall process, one critical point to remember is that delicate problem needs to be handled delicately when implementing a solution.

6: Execute and Evaluate

Executing the solution (based on the decision) should begin along with evaluating how it is meeting expectation. It facilitate knowledge and time for adjustments. If the solution works, then record the problem, solutions and celebrate.

In conclusion, the problem resolution formula is defining the problem, exploring it to find the core, and discuss it and its impact. Furthermore delegate possible resolution and its transition – from problem to solution – when solving it. Decide and implement the best solution, and remember to be careful when handling delicate problems. Evaluate the solution to see how it is progressing. Finally record the problem, a working solution, and celebrate.