söndag 10 maj 2015

The Business’ Core

Two days ago, I found out what I was doing wrong: I never truly understand the business' core, until now. It is not the product or business idea. These are tools for creating the business core. We are all driven by one, and an organization needs one. Truth is, some people cannot think of it, except knowing what they want to do. Comprehending it helps create a solid business.
The value of a business lies in the core, and they are in combined creating competitive advantage that the business really need. The business core are the business scope, vision and mission. Traditionally, this is what start the business – we want to do something. There is already something specific that we want the products to do. We create a product/service to do that. As a result, we have the core, but might not be established – it does not necessarily mean we do not know what we are doing. 
These determine both the tactic and operational strategies of the business. It creates the process your business goes through, and we need to know the role it plays. For example, a business with a mission to provide products that boost the connections among people, must have products that fulfill those functions. We all have specific goals, but they are mostly tied together to the good life we really need, which is why knowing how to use the core help your business.
The things we do reflects on them. It’s imaginable that our current task/project is more favorable than dwelling in the past. People focus more on what they are currently doing, than its connection to previous things. Normally speaking, we have to let go of the past, and focus on the present. However, if you want to be successful, you have to make sure that what you did in the past are critical to your current ways of life.
For example, if you think of the ways you make your decisions, you will see how your experience also plays a critical role in making them. For us to know exactly what we do, acknowledge that everything we do must reflect on the business core – vision, mission and scope. They are the genesis and source of continuous planning, and make it easier to know the appropriate strategies for our business.
This is where you get your specialization, which gives you the authority in your area of expertise. Everything is under your control, you decide it, and success also depends on you maintaining them. They help create a solid business.

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