tisdag 7 juli 2015

Resolving Failure

A couple of days ago, I read an article that contributed to today’s topic. It explained that business failure isn’t because of insufficient or lack of abilities to succeed. The reason is that people are doing things that do not produce anything. I comprehend productivity as doing something to produce something else. It says they failed because they keep doing the same thing over and over again. Some are routines, and they don’t count. How you need to operate your business to deliver your promises to the customers and clients does not count.
We don’t tolerate or appreciate failure. Because the things we do doesn’t necessarily lead to failure. It all comes down to your definition of success. Some people will address it as having a lot of money. That only defines wealth. We define it as inputting something (goal) that will processed, and ultimately leads to output (success). It is the path to accomplish something. Notice that we didn’t have any timestamp.
The sole reason people fail is not the goal, but in the details (how they are achieved). Some goals are achievable within 24 hours, while others take a lot longer. The road to success is never straight. It normally involves walking through curves. Sometimes, we have to fail in order to get a new perspective. These things are what we tackles on a daily basis in our path to success.
Jesse Owens said “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” This is because business’ success is normally brutally hard, and this feeling is barely pleasant. And you have to consistently remember where you are going. If you know your destination, anything that happens on the road becomes experience.
People have little interest in your failures, but much more in how you tackle them. They might laugh at your failure though, but don’t let those things lead you astray. Remember that nobody else is walking your path – just you. Don’t look at those that are telling you, it would fail. A quote said something that makes it easier to look forward in distress: “your dream doesn’t have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again.” If what you want drives you through life, it has no expiration date. It only has a destination. It is not a crime to spend your life pursuing your dream, because failing isn’t the end. But if you don’t try, that is a crime.
The hardest part of entrepreneurial success is the initiation. In a complex context, if you don’t approach someone you like, it might be impossible to have any contact with that person. Once you initiate things, everything will start falling into place. Don’t say, I don’t have a budget, because you don’t need a budget when you have a dream. Most of these normally starts with low budget. Here’s the secret, business startup and operations puts high pressure on your management capabilities. Remember small amount of fire can still burn a great deal, and with right operational level, it can keep burning.
In an earlier blog “Failure never Stops Me”, I explained some historical scenarios. The funny thing is same thing that happened to Thomas Edison is still current in our modern business’ society. I have heard of business stories that failed more than 400 times. It never stops them. Nobody care about how many times you failed. They will be happy with your success. Because everyone who is successful have a story to tell, and all these negative experiences will be your story.
The only way to actually resolve failure is by knowing where you are going and how you will get there: you have focus. Let that focus be your driving power. In conclusion, for you to resolve failure, focus your energy on productive tasks. You should learn from things that goes wrong. Puts your destination on the back of your mind, learn from “failures” and keep moving closer to your destination – SUCCESS!

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